Hope 25.4fl.oz / 750ml

RoundExtra Flint21.5mm Bar TopSP074

This round shaped glass bottle is both vintage and trendy. Made from high quality glass, this unique model will showcase your product in style. The extra flint (or cosmetic flint) glass and think base provide the look and feel you would want for a premium product . It has a bar top finish which is a classic for these models.

Product details


25.4fl.oz / 750ml


Extra Flint

Closure type

21.5mm Bar Top


27.3oz / 775g


9.6in / 242.6mm


3.8in / 96mm


No pressure tolerated



Minimum order

1 pallet(s)

Pallet configuration

In bulk : 960 bottles
In boxes : 70 x 12 bottles (840)


not in stock / upon request

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Bar Top Wood Head 34mm x 14mm x 21.5mm

Bar Top Wood Head 34mm x 14mm x 21.5mm

Wood, Bar Top, CD055


Use our calculator to estimate the quantity of bottles needed for your production.

*Please note that we do not offer a half-pallet. (minimum: 1 pallet(s))
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Hope 25.4fl.oz / 750ml

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